Writing Matters (Second Edition), by Peter G. Beidler’s

Writing Matters
ISBN: 978-1-60381-174-3
Paperback: $13.95
Ebook: $6.95

For several years, Peter G. Beidler’s Writing Matters has been a popular textbook for high school and college students. In the revised second edition of Writing Matters  (230 pages), Beidler improves on the first by presenting an expanded section on editing.

Many students dread writing essays because no one has bothered to break down the process in a clear, down-to-earth fashion. Writing Matters is the remedy. Beidler offers both good and bad examples, explaining why the writers succeeded or why they went astray.

“What I like most about Writing Matters is that it really speaks to my students. Beidler’s refreshing strategy of giving the rudiments of essay writing in twenty-six mini-essays which exemplify the very precepts he is advancing is particularly helpful. After all, some students learn better by precept, other by example. Writing Matters gives them simultaneously both precept and example. The ‘Editing Matters’ section comprising forty-seven rules (deftly keyed in a Quick Reference Guide at the end) is a wonderful bonus. And all of this at a price that students can easily afford. I have recommended Writing Matters to various colleagues and have yet to hear a negative word.”

—Professor John de Oliveira e Silva, CUNY: LaGuardia Community College, New York City, NY

“I have been using Peter G. Beidler’s Writing Matters for fifteen years because I prefer it to all other how-to writing textbooks that cross my desk. Writing Matters is far more accessible to students than the typical composition text. Each succinct chapter is itself a persuasive essay that shows (simultaneously as it tells) how to focus and develop an argument, how to write clearly and concisely, and how to anticipate and “deal with” probable reader objections. Although Beidler’s book is simple, direct, and sometimes humorous, it does not condescend.  Clearly Beidler understands not only writing but also student writers—their fears and misconceptions and common complaints. May this inexpensive but invaluable little book remains forever in print.”

—Professor Kathleen Mayberry, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Schnecksville, PA

“Although he wrote this book for college writing classes, the simple, direct advice it contains would help anyone in the business world. Writing Matters should be in the desk drawer of every manager and executive, if only so that they can recommend it to those whose limping memos and cloudy reports they have to read.”

—Charlie Liekweg, recently retired President & CEO of AAA Washington and former Vice President, Operations, GTE Corporation

Award-winning English Professor Peter G. Beidler offers solid advice that includes, in part:

  • How to find a topic
  • What constitutes a bold thesis
  • How to select and organize evidence
  • What to include in an introduction
  • How to develop a voice
  • How to doctor a sickly paragraph

Although originally written for first-year university students learning composition, Writing Matters has also been invaluable to ESL students and those in high school preparing for the SATs.

PETER G. BEIDLER has recently retired from the English department at Lehigh University. He has published widely and has won many teaching awards. He was named National Professor of the Year by CASE—Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.

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