Recusal, by Donald Catalano

Paperback: $16.95
ISBN: 978-1-60381-743-1
eBook: $5.99

Recusal, by Donald Catalano

Recusal is a suspense novel that delves into the world of high-stakes politics played out at the preeminent level of the United States government. President Andrew Cochran and Chief of Staff Nathan Whitaker hasten to fill a newly open seat on the Supreme Court to gain political advantage for the nascent administration. Nathan Whitaker is a driven political savant. He is consumed with taking whatever means necessary to ensure the overwhelming success of his best friend’s administration. To that end, Nathan handpicks Stanford Winchester, a distinguished jurist from New Orleans, to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Justice Winchester’s life is thrown into tumult when he is offered the nomination. Torn between accepting the nomination or remaining in his comfortable life in New Orleans, Stanford ultimately decides to accept the great honor. That momentous decision opens up the Pandora’s box of deception, treachery, and murder that is central to the plot and engaging suspense of Recusal.

Recusal explores the juxtaposition between the competitive political world of Washington, D.C. and the fun-loving, care-free mantra of the City of New Orleans. The dichotomy is delved into and revealed within the fast-paced swirling storylines told through the eyes and voices of the characters in an intriguing novel mainly propelled forward by dialogue. The mysterious world of Haitian vodou is explored, as it takes a role in the unbounded pursuit of political and personal achievement. For in Recusal, loyalty and deception walk hand-in-hand with deadly consequences. 

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