Restitution, by Donald Catalano

ISBN: 9781942078487
eBook: $5.95
Restitution, by Donald Catalano
Restitution, a follow-up to Donald Catalano’s novel Recusal, continues his suspenseful tale of Capitol Hill political retribution. President Andrew Cochran’s White House tacks to the moderate center after scandal rocked his nascent administration. His conciliatory gesture is seen by far-right ideologues as a Judas-like sellout of his prior conservative principles. His reelection is challenged by the Democrats, led by Senator Perry Douglas, but more destructively by the base-pandering politicians of his own party.
Former White House Chief of Staff Nathan Whitaker has been separated from his job, his political influence, and his lifelong friend, President Cochran. Nathan seeks opportunities to reconnect with Andrew as others vehemently seek to bury the relationship of these two college friends.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Justice Stanford Winchester returns to his comfortable life as the Chief Judge of the Fifth Federal Circuit Court. While ensconced in his accustomed position, Stanford discovers love for a second time. Romance ensues despite Stanford’s best efforts to remain the unswerving servant to tradition and decorum.
Posy Branch, formerly Mrs. Nathan Whitaker, begins her own sojourn toward self-identity and personal growth in New Orleans. She befriends Chiffon LaBelle, a tall, attractive, African-American pre-op transsexual who lost everything to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Through a class-action suit filed by Chiffon and hundreds of others, the citizens of the Ninth Ward seek justice, a recognition that their suffering was preventable, and a modicum of restitution for their losses.
Questionable criminal trials, political campaigns, and the righteous fight for social justice color the storylines of Restitution.