Wrapped in Darkness, by David Carlson

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ISBN: 9781603816595
eBook: $5.95

Wrapped in Darkness, by David Carlson

The monastery of the Holy Dormition sits peacefully on a remote shore of Lake Superior until a fall morning when the body of a skinhead female is found outside the monastery’s gate. For the police, all the signs point to the youngest monk in the community. Although maintaining his innocence, Brother Vasili has a violent past, but even worse, he had an altercation with the female just days before at a local farmers’ market.

Having met Father Nicholas Fortis previously and remembering he is both a sleuth and fellow monk, Abbot Tikhon begs Father Nick and his friend and colleague, Detective Christopher Worthy, to investigate the events surrounding the woman’s death. Father Nick and Worthy agree to help even as they feel the resentment of the other monks.

It is quickly clear to Worthy and Father Fortis that Brother Vasili is hiding
something. When a poacher comes forward with evidence that Brother Vasili lied about his movements the night of the murder, the police arrest him. Following a different theory, Father Nick and Worthy are drawn to Brother Vasili’s confessor, the hermit Brother Malchus, who lives deep in the woods nearby. Brother Malchus has his own secrets, the first being his previous role as a trainer of Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he was exposed to deadly chemicals. Malchus’ second secret is his knowledge that one of his trainees from his past is lurking in the woods with the intention of killing him. To solve the case, Worthy and Father Nick must unravel the secrets of Brother Vasili, Brother Malchus, the stalker in the woods, and one other monk in the monastery who has waited for the perfect opportunity to implement his own plan for revenge.

Wrapped in Darkness is the fifth book in the Christopher Worthy/Father Fortis Mystery series.

David Carlson has called College Franklin College for the past forty-one years. David has been particularly attracted to the topics of faith development, Catholic-Orthodox relations, and Muslim-Christian dialogue. In the last fifteen years, however, religious terrorism has become his area of specialty. Much of his time in the last eight years has been spent giving talks as well as radio and TV interviews on ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations. Now retired, David enjoys writing both non-fiction related to interfaith efforts and the Christopher Worthy/Father Fortis detective series.

His wife, Kathy, is a retired English professor, an award-winning artist, and his best editor. Their two sons took parental advice to follow their passions. The older, Leif, is a photographer, and the younger, Marten, is a filmmaker.


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