Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis, by Trevis L. Gleason

Paperback: $21.95
ISBN: 9781684921393
eBook: $9.99

Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis, by Trevis L. Gleason

Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis is one part primer, one part handbook, one part pocket translator, and 100% an essential field guide for navigating the challenges of living with chronic illness.  This curated collection from nearly two decades of reflections by award-winning writer, Trevis L Gleason, compiled and edited with his “MS Sister,” Emma Rogan, guides readers through ever-changing personal, professional, and medical minefields associated with life-altering chronic conditions. Refreshingly honest, but written with hope, compassion, and Gleason’s signature wry wit, it reinforces Gleason’s MS ethos that “Living life with a chronic illness well is all about the living part.”

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