Among the Remnants, by Josh Gortler
Among the Remnants, by Josh Gortler When three-year-old Joshua Gortler and his family were forced from their hometown in Poland during World War II, they scrambled for safety across border after border, finding refuge at last in Europe’s Displaced Persons Camps. Undocumented and unschooled, Gortler spent his adolescence learning how to survive. When his family…
Read MoreParkinson Pete On Living and Dying with Parkinson’s Disease, by Peter G. Beidler
Parkinson Pete on Living and Dying with Parkinson’s Disease is a direct, honest, and sometimes funny assessment of what it can be like to face a life and a death with a neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson’s. Most of the writers of the books Pete reviewed in Parkinson Pete’s Bookshelves dealt exclusively with the easy early stages of the disease. Then they mumbled…
Read MoreBeyond the Two Rivers, by Aida Kouyoumjian
Beyond the Two Rivers: The Continuing Story of Mannig the Heroine of Between the Two Rivers Following the Armenian Genocide (246 pages), is the sequel to Between the Two Rivers: A Story of the Armenian Genocide, the account of the real-life saga of Ms. Kouyoumjian’s mother Mannig, who as a young girl was one of…
Read MoreThe Gathering Place, by E.G. Sergoyan
The Gathering Place: Stories from the Armenian Social Club in Old Shanghai (216 pages), is a collection of stories compiled from interviews with Armenians who immigrated to Asia during the first half of the twentieth century. A hundred years ago, the small country of Armenia within the Ottoman Empire became the site of continuous border…
Read MoreBetween the Two Rivers (Second Edition), Aida Kouyoumjian
Between the Two Rivers (302 pages) is the account of the real-life saga of Aida Kouyoumjian’s mother Mannig, who as a young girl was one of a small minority of Armenians who survived the massacre and deportation from the Ottoman Empire during and after World War I. Historians estimate that 1.5 to 2 million Armenians…
Read MoreBetween the Two Rivers, by Aida Kouyoumjian
This first edition of Between the Two Rivers has been replaced with a second edition. Learn more by clicking here. Between the Two Rivers (342 pages) is the real-life saga of Aida Kouyoumjian’s mother Mannig, who as a young girl was one of a small minority of Armenians who survived the massacre and deportation from…
Read MoreThe Addiction of Mary Todd Lincoln, by Anne E. Beidler
The Addiction of Mary Todd Lincoln (200 pages), by Anne E. Beidler, is a biography shedding light on Mary Todd Lincoln’s life and her experience living as an addict during a time when addiction was both misunderstood and stigmatized in women. Anne E. Beidler is a former director of Family House, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation…
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