Fire Music, by Connie Hampton Connally

Fire Music, by Connie Hampton Connally Antal Varga, a Budapest violinist, is 78 years old when a young American stranger places a yellowed music sheet into his hands. With shock he recognizes his own teenage handwriting, for he himself wrote this piece in 1945, when his city was under siege. Desperate to talk with this…

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A Turkish Triangle, by Bill Rapp

A Turkish Triangle, by Bill Rapp CIA officer Karl Baier has been banished to the training division after his most recent escapade in Berlin, where he helped bring a KGB defector out to the West.  But his enforced idyll is about to end when he is sent to Turkey to uncover the reasons behind the…

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Welcome to Jimmy’s Place, by Michael Mayo

Welcome to Jimmy’s Place, by Michael Mayo It’s 1934. Prohibition has been repealed. Jimmy’s Place is almost legal and it’s more popular than ever. But all is not well for young Mr. Quinn. Connie wants to unload a fabulous golden egg, possibly Fabergé, and go to Paris. A couple of millionaires and a secret society…

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Berlin Walls, by Bill Rapp

Berlin Walls, by Bill Rapp It is August 1961, and CIA officer Karl Baier finds himself back in Berlin working with his old KGB nemesis and sometimes source, Sergei Chernov, who wants to defect. This time, though, Baier must find a way to get not only Chernov, but also his wife’s parents through the new…

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Jimmy and Fay, by Michael Mayo

Jimmy and Fay, by Michael Mayo It’s March 2, 1933. King Kong is premiering at Radio City Music Hall, and Fay Wray is about to become the most famous actress on earth. So what’s she doing hanging around a rundown Manhattan speakeasy? This Hollywood scream queen has come to see Jimmy Quinn, a limping tough guy who…

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Everyone Goes to Jimmy’s, by Michael Mayo

Everyone Goes to Jimmy’s, by Michael Mayo Young Jimmy Quinn is delivering a bribe for the infamous racketeer Arnold Rothstein when a bomb goes off on Wall Street, killing thirty people and scaring every banker in the city right down to his spats. Twelve years later, Rothstein is dead, and Jimmy is doing his best…

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Jimmy the Stick, by Michael Mayo

Jimmy the Stick, by Michael Mayo Jimmy Quinn was a gunman, bootlegger, and bagman, running with mobsters the likes of Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, and Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll, until a bullet in the leg and the murder of Arnold Rothstein ended his career. Quinn bought a speakeasy in downtown Manhattan and settled into a…

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Tears of Innocence, by Bill Rapp

Tears of Innocence, by Bill Rapp In the autumn of 1945 Karl Baier, a young American military officer, arrives in a devastated Berlin, the once mighty capital of the Third Reich. His assignment: to hunt down, debrief, and, in some cases, resettle German scientists who helped build the German war machine. He is not alone,…

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Lucia and Mapp, Two Stories, by Tom Holt

Lucia and Mapp, Two Stories: "Lucia and the Eighth Commandment" and "Humble Soup" by Tom Holt

Lucia and Mapp, Two Stories collects two new Lucia and Mapp adventures by Tom Holt; “Lucia and the Eighth Commandment” and “Humble Soup”. “Lucia and the Eighth Commandment”: Peacetime it may be, but not in England’s quaint town of Tilling, whose residents can count on the ongoing and quite entertaining battle for social ascendancy between…

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The Songs We Hide, by Connie Hampton Connally

The Songs We Hide by Connie Hampton Conally

The Songs We Hide (356 pages), is a work of historical fiction by Connie Hampton Connally. In communist Hungary, a peasant loses his land, a young mother loses her baby’s father, and both are scared into silence—until music brings them together to face the agonizing tests ahead. “This is a haunting, character-driven novel with a simple…

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